IDEA Grants

IDEA Grant - Innovatively Developed Educational Activity

The Spotsylvania Education Foundation supports efforts to enhance the quality of education in our public schools through innovation and creativity by awarding IDEA Grants of up to $2,000 each to teachers and staff.  Each year the foundation seeks grants proposals from educators that present promising ideas for achieving the division’s curricular goals, strengthening students’ personal development and encouraging links in the community.  These grants are awarded with the intention of enhancing and enriching Spotsylvania students in grades Pre-K to 12 by:

The Spotsylvania Education Foundation recently awarded almost $17,000 across 12 IDEA Grants! These projects will engage over 6,300 Spotsy Students during the 2021-22 school year! Check out the innovative projects below!

2023-2024 IDEA Grant Awardees

Areas Supported by Idea Grants Include:

Apply For An IDEA Grant

The Spotsylvania Education Foundation accepts grant applications once a year, near the beginning of the school year. Once the application period closes, complete application packages are reviewed by the Grants Committee.  Recommended grants are presented to the SEF Board of Directors for final approval. Grant awards will be announced as quickly as possible to allow timely implementation of proposed projects. A more specific timeline of the IDEA grant process can be found in the yearly application form.   

Grant Guidelines

Any Spotsylvania County Public School employee may apply.

Parents, community members, and students may submit project proposals in collaboration with a SCPS employee.

Applicants may request funding up to $2,000 per proposal, though smaller proposals are encouraged.

Applicants and their Principals must review and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions outlined in the Idea Grant application.

Complete application packages must be electronically received at the email address specified on the application instructions by the announced due date and time.

All required components of the application must be included and legible (see yearly application for specific requirements). Only complete application packages will be forwarded to the review committee.

IDEA Grants are competitive. The Grants Committee will review each proposal carefully to determine allocation of available funds. Specific selection criteria is covered in the grant application. Each proposal will be judged on its merits; funding (if any) will be awarded based on that review.

Grant funds will be directly dispersed to the winning applicant’s school.

2023-24 IDEA Grant Application Period is now open!

Complete applications must be emailed to [email protected] by 5:00pm on 10/30/23

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Other Grant Opportunities
